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November 2, 2011
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present:
Michael Scott, Mark Helfrick, Michael Krikonis, Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell, Kenneth Strom

Members Absent:  
Matthew Kennedy

Staff Present:
Pamela Harding

No Others Present

Acting Chair, Robert Lowell opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m.

Quinapoxet Street Spillway Repairs – I have included pictures and a narrative of the emergency repairs that were conducted by to the Quinapoxet Street culvert and retaining wall after the hurricane in September.  

Certificate of Compliance  Lot 2, 22 Eagle Terrace DEP File #183-211 Raymond Concrete Construction  This Order of Conditions September 13, 1995 with one extension and an expiration date of August 1, 2002.  The property is being sold and the Applicant has requested a Certificate of Compliance.  I conducted a site inspection on Sept. 27, 2011, the footprint of the house was changed however, according to a mortgage survey submitted by the Applicant, did not measure closer to the wetland than the approved plans.  The home was constructed with a drive-under garage and a driveway much larger and closer to the wetlands than the location approved in the Order of Conditions.  A second story deck was constructed to the rear of the property without approval of the Conservation Commission, only four post holes were required for the construction and it was located in established yard.  There is a steep gradient separating the yard from the wetland, the wetland location does not appear to have changed or been altered from the original approved plan.  

The Commission requested the Applicant locate the wetlands on the as-built plans.  If was difficult to determine where the current location was in relation to the driveway and home.  The plans were submitted and are included in the packet for your review.

Conservation Commission Rules and Regulations Since last review a few formatting errors were amended in the Appendix, Standard Order of Conditions and reference was made to the number of Commission members.  The Commission has been waiting to vote on the Regulations until all members are present.  

Approval of Minutes – there was not a quorum to vote on the September 7, 2011 meetings.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 2, 2011.